
Model Painting Sessions   Tuesday Evenings at the Shop 6pm - 8pm

Model Painting Sessions Tuesday Evenings at the Shop 6pm - 8pm

Every Tuesday throughout the year. Contact shop for further information.

Casual model painting hangout sessions! Now that covid restrictions are loosening up we're keen to get our mini painters back in the store to share their latest projects. Send us an email just to check there is room per session. Available to beginning or experienced painters, these sessions are a great way to mark out some sociable time to make progress on turning your grey plastic 'pile of shame' into beautifully painted miniatures. These are unstructured sessions for free painting, but you'll be able to borrow our paints and brushes and to pick the brains of any experienced model painters in the room. We charge £2 per session per person, to cover our costs in paint and time - payable on the evening of attendance. Because we're a small shop, we have a maximum capacity of 6 painters plus the host, so make sure to email: to request a spot.